Increase social benefits and statutory minimum wage

“As per 1 July 2012 the statutory maximum daily wage and minimum wage have been increased: Maximum daily wage from EUR 191.92 to EUR 193.09 gross per day Minimum wage (23 years and older) from EUR 1,446.60 to EUR 1,456.20 gross per month Social benefits such as old-age pension (AOW), surviving dependents benefits (ANW), occupational disability benefits (WIA, WAO) and unemployment benefits (WW) are linked to the maximum daily wage and the minimum wage. Therefore these benefits have increased as well. However, the unemployment benefits and occupational disability benefits only by 0,66%. For the unemployment benefits and the occupational disability benefits the maximum daily wage is set as a statutory upper limit. E.g. unemployment benefits amount the first two months 75% and subsequently 70% of the last earned wage. However, as far as the wage exceeds the amount of the maximum daily wage of currently EUR 4,199.70 gross per month, it will not be taken into account for the calculation of the amount of unemployment benefits. Unemployment benefits thus never exceed the amount of EUR 3,149.78 gross per month (75% of EUR 4,199.70) during the first two months and subsequently the amount of EUR 2,939.80 gross per month (70% of EUR 4,199.70).

If you wish to receive more information on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact one of our lawyers (phone +31(0)20-344 6100).

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