Handbook | Employees vs Independent Contractors

We are proud to present our L&E Global Handbook, which serves as an introduction to the complex issue of employees vs independent contractors, with analysis from 32 key jurisdictions, across 6 continents.

In recent years, the use of independent contractors has increased significantly. There has also been an increase in the use of fixed-term contracts, temporary commercial agency agreements and labour outsourcing services. This trend is not without its risks. The rise of the on-demand sharing economy (online business transactions) in areas such as carpooling, apartment/home lending, peer-to-peer lending, reselling, co-working and talent-sharing and the enterprises that drive these new workforces, has led to an increase in litigation, with the qualification of the contracts and work agreements as the central issue.

For employers with operations in multiple jurisdictions, successfully entering into a working relationship, whether with an employee or an independent contractor, is a very real challenge and one that impacts every sector of industry, in every region of the world.

View and download your copy here.


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