Nadia Adnani



Employment contract & employment terms
The director
Transgressive behaviour
Individual & collective dismissals
Employee co-determination
Unfair competition

Nadia Adnani can be described as a driven lawyer who likes a pragmatic approach and has a good sense of proportion. Within employment law, Nadia specialises in reorganisations. 

Nadia is involved in: 

  • All aspects of employment law. 
  • Representing both national and international organisations and employees.
  • Advising on and guiding reorganisations.
  • Advising and litigating on employee co-determination, individual and collective dismissal cases, workplace privacy and employment contracts (non-compete clause, study cost clause, etc.).

Nadia has been affiliated with Palthe Oberman since 2011, and since 2014 as a lawyer. She studied private law and international & European law at the Vrije University in Amsterdam.

Nadia is one of the founders of the online platform She is also a supervisor of the prestigious programme The Boardroom at the Vrije University and holds various supervisory board positions: including at the Youth Education Fund, at one of the largest trade unions in the Netherlands and in foundations in the cultural sector, among others. Nadia also regularly writes blogs and articles on employment law topics, conducts workshops and contributed to the book ‘De invloed van ontslag‘ [The impact of dismissal].

Before qualifying as a lawyer, Nadia worked for the Vrije University’s Education Centre as a coordinator in the Diversity and Student Success department. In her free time, Nadia enjoys being on the tennis court at a competitive level.


  • Employment Law Association
  • Young Employment Lawyers Association
  • Civil Servant & Law Association

Nadia Adnani has registered the following main (and sub) legal practice areas in the Dutch Bar Association’s register of legal practice areas:

  • Employment law
  • Employment mediation
  • Collective dismissals
  • International employment law
  • Employee co-determination

Based on this registration, she is obliged to obtain 10 continuing education points in each registered main legal practice area every calendar year according to the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.

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