Employment law chronicles 2013

This publication provides a general overview of developments in the field of employment law between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2012.

Published in the Journal of the Netherlands Bar association

Text: Karol Hillebrandt and Christiaan Oberman

In recent years, there have been relatively few high-profile rulings in the area of labour law. There have, however, been a number of interesting rulings concerning summary dismissal. There have also been interesting rulings concerning successive terms of employment, the scope of applicability of the Extraordinary Labour Relations Decree (BBA) and employers’ liability for independent workers. There have been quite a few developments in the area of legislation: new holiday legislation and a Top Incomes (Standardisation) Act have been introduced, the month’s reduction of the notional notice period in the event of dissolution has been scrapped and amendments have been made to the Collective Redundancy (Notification) Act (WMCO) and the Placement of Personnel by Intermediaries Act (WAADI). Naturally, the past year has also seen a great deal of discussion about the government’s plans to alter dismissal law and social security law.


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