AIJA Half Year Conference in Helsinki

“From 22-25 May 2013, the Half Year Conference of the Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA) was held in Helsinki, Finland. This Half Year’s Conference focused on ‘how to play and win in employment disputes’ and ‘powers of arbitrators’. Karol Hillebrandt was one of the panelists at this conference with regard to the topic Which law and jurisdiction in international employment cases? The employment law seminar contributed to a better understanding of dealing with and bringing employment law disputes to a successful conclusion, in or out of courts. AIJA is the only global association devoted to lawyers and inhouse cousel aged 45 and under and promotes professional cooperations and friendship among young, career building legal professionals around the world.  ”

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Alle advocaten van ons kantoor zijn gespecialiseerd in het arbeidsrecht. Wij hebben ruime ervaring met het geven van arbeidsrechtelijk advies en het oplossen van arbeidsrechtelijke conflicten.

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