Employment Law Chronicle 2015

The chronicle provides an overview of the most important developments in the various fields of employment and labour law during the past year (2015).

The past year has been characterized by the new Work and Security Act. However, other areas of employment law have shown development as well. Various interesting judgements have been delivered, amongst others in the areas of:

  • the collective labour law and participation law;
  • the state€™s liability for the incorrect implementation of a European guideline;
  • qualification of an employment contract;
  • transfer of undertaking; and,
  • termination of an employment contract.

Please click here for the full article: Journal of the Netherlands Bar Association, Chronicles 2015.

Published in the Journal of the Dutch Bar Association Authors: Christiaan Oberman and Karol Hillebrandt

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All lawyers at our firm specialise in employment law. We have extensive experience in providing employment law advice and resolving employment conflicts.

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